Thank you for participating in the AANEM Blog – Action Potential. The AANEM has created this blog to share communications that come into the department regarding coding, payor coverage policies, the State Liaison Program, news headlines, and draft documents. Through the blog posts, AANEM members may post comments and dialog about a blog entry. When posting comments on the Blog, please comply with the Content Standards. By submitting your contribution to the Blog, you warrant that your post fulfills the Content Standards. You also agree that you are solely responsible for the content of your messages and that you will not hold AANEM responsible for any claim based on your post.
The Content Standards are as follows:
Contributions to the Blog must not:
• be defamatory (i.e., damages the reputation of a person or organization);
• be in contempt of Court (i.e. contains something that risks prejudicing current or forthcoming Court proceedings);
• be threatening, abusive, harassing or invasive of a person's privacy;
• be sexist, racist, profane or otherwise discriminatory and/or offensive;
• promote violence or advocate, condone or assist any unlawful act;
• describe violent intentions towards other people or organizations;
• be pornographic, sexually explicit, obscene or lewd;
• be used to impersonate any person or to misrepresent your identity;
• infringe any copyright, database right, trade mark or any other intellectual property,
confidentiality or privacy rights of any person or organization; or
• otherwise violate any law.
In addition, your contribution must not post a link to a website that contains, or directly links to, material that contravenes any of these standards. In particular, you must not post a link to:
• offensive material (pornographic, discriminatory or gratuitously violent); or
• unlawful material (such as material that condones or encourages unlawful acts, breaches
intellectual property law or encourages others to do so, hacks or causes technical disruption to
online services or describes how to conduct an unlawful act).
No user-generated audio-visual content is allowed on the Blog.
User Posts
Any comment posted on the Blog expresses only the views of the author of that message and does not necessarily reflect the views of AANEM or the views of any other person on the Blog. Every comment will be reviewed by an AANEM for compliance with these policies either before or after it is published. AANEM reserves the right to refuse or remove any posts submitted.
Advertising, promotion and commerce
Advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes and solicitations are unacceptable entries on the discussion Blog. Using the Blog for commercial purposes is not permitted. AANEM will not allow comments that promote other companies or organizations products or services.
Copyright and ownership of user generated media content
By commenting on the Blog you grant AANEM a royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive permission to use your entry to promote the AANEM to others, or use the posting in other ways deemed appropriate by AANEM.
The AANEM has no liability for any comments made by users of the Blog and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of posts. Any failure to remove particular material from the Blog does not constitute an endorsement or acceptance of it by AANEM.
External links
AANEM is not responsible for any external websites or material you access through this site. Using links posted to outside websites is at your own risk.
Personal details/identity/privacy
When using the Blog, please do not provide personal details, either your own or those of someone else. Be aware at all times that this site is open to the public.
Breach of this Policy
AANEM will determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of this Policy. When a breach of this Policy has occurred, action may be taken as deemed appropriate, which includes the immediate removal of any objectionable material, even in the absence of a complaint, without prior notice.If you believe a posted message is objectionable or in breach of this Policy, please contact us at immediately. The responses described in this Policy are not limited and AANEM may take other action that is reasonable and appropriate and reserves the right to suspend or terminate registered users at any time.
Changes to Blog Policies
The AANEM reserves the right to alter it’s this policy. Any changes to the policy will be posted on this page.