Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AMA Morning Rounds: FDA approves Botox to treat elbow, wrist, and finger spasms.

The AP (3/10, Perrone) reports that "the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday it approved Allergan's...Botox [Botulinum toxin Type A] to treat spasms of the elbow, wrist and fingers." The agency "stressed in a statement that Botox is not approved to treat spasms in larger muscles of the arms or legs." In 2009, "the agency added warnings to Botox about its potential to migrate from limbs to other parts of the body, causing breathing problems."

Bloomberg News (3/10, Peterson) reports that "clinical trials showed the drug helped patients with muscle spasms in the upper limbs, Russell Katz, director of the Food and Drug Administration's Division of Neurology Products, an e-mailed statement." Dow Jones Newswire (3/10, Dooren), Reuters (3/10), and HealthDay (3/9, Roberts) also covered the story.


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